To have a positive impact on the lives of the people I love, work with and choose to spend my time with, leaving them and this world a better place is Lorelle Kitzmiller's personal vision and basically says it all.
Lorelle grew up in Pasadena and got her first taste of client satisfaction at the age of 8 when she became the top Campfire Girls candy and wrapping paper sales girl. The fire was ignited and Lorelle was hooked. Providing people with things they need or want was what she decided she was destined to do, and she has never wavered.
At the age of 11, Lorelle began knocking on doors in her neighborhood looking for neighbors needing their shirts ironed and starched for 25 cents a shirt. Building up a strong book of repeat customers took approximately 6 months and Lorelle was ecstatic. Once she reached the age of 15, she set her focus on establishing her babysitting business which allowed her to make substantially more money an hour and her savings account grew quickly. She learned how by simply loving what you do, and doing it to the best of your ability, resulted in very happy and loyal clients who were more than willing to refer her services to their friends and family.
With over 30 years of sales and marketing experience under her belt prior to entering the field of Real Estate in 2005, Lorelle epitomizes integrity, energy, hard work and, creative service in every detail of each of her real estate transactions. She is a perfectionist and refuses to accept less than the best from herself and others. She has a unique way of overcoming all obstacles that may arise during a transaction while keeping her clients calm and happy. Her ability to make each transaction appear seamless has resulted in building a strong business from referrals provided by her clients, past and present.
Lorelle's drive, experience and passion insure her clients always get the absolute best. Her dedication to each transaction has resulted in over 30 years of satisfied clients. As her next client you will too, will become a raving fan. The more you learn about the importance of choosing the right agent for your real estate needs the more you will know that Lorelle is exactly the right choice L.orelle's hands-on approach and expertise helps to make all transactions as stress-free as possible.
Lorelle currently resides in Glendora, and services Sellers, Buyers, and Investors in both the commercial and residential markets from Pasadena to Rancho Cucamonga.